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  • Writer's pictureDr. Régine Brioché

Effective Strategies for Tackling Child Anxiety: A Parent’s Guide

Child anxiety is a growing concern that affects many families worldwide. As parents, understanding how to support your child through anxious moments is crucial. This guide provides actionable strategies to help your child manage anxiety, build resilience, and thrive.


  1. Understanding Child Anxiety

Anxiety in children can manifest in various ways, from fears about school to worries about social situations. It’s crucial to recognize that anxiety is a normal part of development, but when it becomes overwhelming, it can interfere with your child's daily life.


2. Recognizing the Signs of Anxiety in Children

Children often express anxiety through both physical and emotional symptoms. These may include:

  • Frequent stomachaches or headaches

  • Difficulty sleeping or frequent nightmares

  • Irritability or anger outbursts

  • Avoidance of social activities or school

  • Excessive worry about everyday events

  • Clinginess or separation anxiety

  • Unexplained crying or tantrums

By staying attuned to these signs, you can intervene early to help your child manage their anxiety effectively.


3. Effective Strategies to Manage Child Anxiety

Encouraging Open Communication

Family engaging in open communication to address child anxiety
Family engaging in open communication to address child anxiety

One of the most effective ways to help your child manage anxiety is by encouraging them to talk about their feelings. Ask open-ended questions like, "What’s been on your mind lately?" and validate their emotions with responses like, "It’s okay to feel nervous." Regular family meetings can also create a safe space for your child to express their concerns.

Creating a Calm Environment

Establishing a routine that includes relaxation techniques can significantly reduce anxiety. Activities such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or even yoga can help your child feel more in control of their emotions. Consider setting up a “calm corner” in your home with soothing items like stress balls, fidget toys, or a soft blanket where your child can go to relax.

Teaching Problem-Solving Skills

Teaching children problem solving skills can help reduce anxiety triggers
Deep breathing exercises, meditation and mindfulness can kids help manage stress

Empowering your child to solve problems on their own can build their confidence and reduce anxiety. Guide them through potential solutions and discuss the possible outcomes, helping them to see that challenges can be managed. Role-playing different scenarios can be particularly helpful in practicing these skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Limiting Exposure to Anxiety Triggers

Identify and manage situations that may trigger your child’s anxiety. While it's important not to avoid all stressors, gradually exposing your child to their fears in a controlled manner can help them build resilience over time. For example, if your child is anxious about speaking in front of others, start with small, supportive audiences and gradually increase the size as they become more comfortable.

Child playing outside to reduce anxiety
Promoting healthy habits can reduce anxiety

Promoting Healthy Habits

Healthy lifestyle habits can have a significant impact on managing anxiety. Ensure your child is getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and staying physically active. Regular exercise, in particular, has been shown to reduce anxiety and improve overall mental health. Encourage activities like bike riding, swimming, or even family walks.

Incorporating Play Therapy Techniques

Play therapy can be a powerful tool in helping children express their feelings and work through anxiety. Incorporate playtime into your daily routine that allows your child to explore emotions through role-play, storytelling, or drawing. This can be particularly effective for younger children who may struggle to verbalize their feelings.


4. When to Seek Professional Help

While these strategies can be effective, there are times when professional help is necessary. If your child's anxiety persists despite your efforts, or if it severely impacts their daily life, it may be time to consult with a mental health professional. Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), has been proven effective in treating anxiety in children. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a specialist if your child’s anxiety is accompanied by intense fears, withdrawal from activities they once enjoyed, or changes in eating or sleeping patterns.


5. How La Différence Pediatrics Can Help

At La Différence Pediatrics, we understand the unique challenges that come with raising a child with anxiety. Our experienced team offers personalized guidance and support tailored to your child's needs. Whether through regular consultations, mental health screenings, or referrals to trusted child therapists, we are here to help your family navigate this journey with compassion and expertise.

If you’re concerned about your child’s anxiety, don’t hesitate to reach out to La Différence Pediatrics for a consultation. Our dedicated team is here to provide the support and resources your family needs.


About Us

La Différence Pediatrics stands out in the concierge medicine NYC landscape as a Black and woman-owned practice offering personalized, in-home pediatric care. Led by a board-certified pediatrician and certified lactation consultant, we provide a unique, comprehensive, and family-centered approach. Unlike traditional healthcare systems, our concierge model ensures extended, unhurried appointments, allowing for thorough attention to each child's health and well-being. We prioritize transparency, holistic care, and a deep commitment to our community, making us a top choice for families seeking exceptional concierge medicine in NYC. Our approach ensures that our patients feel seen and heard, with care that truly prioritizes their individual needs. Experience the difference with our tailored, compassionate care that puts your child's well-being first.

Contact us today to learn more about our pediatric house call services. Experience the difference of concierge pediatric care with La Différence Pediatrics.



  1. National Institutes of Health. (2022). "Emotional Wellness Tookit." Retrieved from

  2. Parents. (2023). What to Know About Anxiety in Children. Retrieved from

  3. YoungMinds. (2023). Supporting A Child With Anxiety. Retrieved from YoungMinds

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