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  • Writer's pictureDr. RĂ©gine BriochĂ©

Essential Newborn Bathing Tips for Safe and Fun Bath Time 🛁

A baby enjoying a bath.
Bath time can be fun and safe! Use lukewarm water, keep bath time short, and never leave your baby unattended.

Introduction - Newborn Bathing Tips:

Bathing your newborn is a special bonding experience that can be both enjoyable and nerve-wracking for new parents. Ensuring your baby’s safety during bath time is paramount, and with the right preparation and techniques, you can make this routine a delightful part of your daily care. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential tips for safely bathing your newborn, helping you build confidence and make bath time a soothing experience for both you and your baby.


Step 1: Prepare Your Bathing Supplies

Before you even begin running the water, it’s important to have all your supplies within arm’s reach. This preparation not only ensures a smooth bath but also keeps your focus on your baby at all times.

Newborn bathing station with baby soap, washcloth, and towel ready for bath time
Ensure all bathing supplies are within reach before starting your newborn's bath.

What You’ll Need:

  • A baby bathtub or a clean sink

  • Mild, fragrance-free baby soap and shampoo

  • A soft washcloth

  • A soft-bristled brush for the scalp (optional)

  • A hooded towel

  • A clean diaper and fresh clothes

By having everything ready, you minimize disruptions, allowing you to fully engage with your baby and make bath time a calm and enjoyable experience.


Step 2: Ensure the Right Water Temperature

One of the most crucial aspects of a newborn bath is the water temperature. Babies have sensitive skin, and water that’s too hot or too cold can be uncomfortable or even dangerous.

Parent testing baby bathwater temperature with their wrist
Always check the bathwater temperature with your wrist to ensure it’s comfortable for your child

How to Test the Water:

  • Fill the baby bathtub with about 2-3 inches of lukewarm water, ideally around 100°F (38°C).

  • Test the temperature with your wrist or elbow, which are more sensitive to temperature than your hands. The water should feel warm but not hot.

Maintaining the correct water temperature not only ensures your baby’s comfort but also makes bath time more enjoyable for you both.


Step 3: Keep Bath Time Short and Sweet

Newborns don’t require lengthy baths. In fact, a bath lasting between 5 to 10 minutes is usually sufficient. Short baths help prevent your baby from getting cold and reduce the risk of dry skin.

Bathing Frequency:

  • For newborns, 2-3 baths per week are generally enough. Over-bathing can strip your baby’s skin of natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation.

If your baby enjoys the water, you can let them splash around for a few extra minutes, but always be mindful of the water temperature and their comfort.


Step 4: Support Your Baby Safely

Handling a slippery, wet newborn can be challenging, so it’s important to ensure you have a good grip on your baby throughout the bath.

Parent gently supporting a newborn's head during bath in a baby bathtub
Gently support your newborn's head and neck to keep them safe and secure.

Proper Holding Technique:

  • Support your baby’s head and neck with one hand, keeping their body secure with your other hand.

  • Use a soft washcloth to gently clean their body, starting with the face and moving down to the rest of their body. Be sure to pay attention to skin folds, where moisture can get trapped.

Always keep your baby’s head above water and maintain eye contact to reassure them during the bath.


Step 5: Choose the Right Products

Newborn skin is delicate, so it’s essential to use mild, fragrance-free products that won’t irritate their skin.

Fragrance-free baby soap and shampoo ideal for newborn skin
Use mild, fragrance-free products to protect your newborn's sensitive skin.

Product Tips:

  • Opt for baby-specific soap and shampoo that are gentle and formulated for sensitive skin.

  • Use these products sparingly, as newborns do not need a lot of soap. Focus on cleaning the areas that tend to get dirty, such as the diaper area, neck folds, and hands.

Thoroughly rinse off all soap residue to prevent irritation, and pat your baby’s skin dry with a soft, hooded towel.


Step 6: Never Leave Your Baby Unattended

Safety during bath time is non-negotiable. Even a few seconds of inattention can lead to accidents.

Safety Guidelines:

  • Never leave your baby unattended in the bath, even for a moment. If you need to step away, wrap your baby in a towel and take them with you.

  • Consider using a non-slip mat in the tub or sink to prevent slipping.

Accidents can happen quickly, so always keep your baby within arm’s reach and never take your eyes off them.

Bonus Tips: Make Bath Time Fun

While safety is the priority, bath time can also be a fun and engaging experience for your newborn. Singing to your baby, talking to them in a soothing voice, or using bath toys can make the experience more enjoyable. Over time, this can help your baby associate bath time with comfort and security.



By following these essential tips, you can ensure that bath time is both safe and enjoyable for you and your newborn. Remember, the key is preparation, gentle handling, and constant supervision. As you become more comfortable with the routine, bath time will become one of the most cherished moments you share with your baby. For more expert advice on newborn care, be sure to follow our blog and connect with our team at La DiffĂ©rence Pediatrics for personalized guidance tailored to your family’s needs.

Parent drying newborn with a soft hooded towel after bath
Pat your baby dry with a soft, hooded towel to keep them warm after bath time.

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