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10 Things You Didn't Know About Pediatric Care

Child dressed as a pediatrician providing in home care for h toy bear.
Pediatric care is not just for babies

Pediatric Care: Ensuring the Health and Well-Being of Our Children

Pediatric care is essential in ensuring the health and well-being of our children. However, there are many aspects of this specialized field that might surprise you. Here are ten things you probably didn’t know about concierge pediatric care:

1. Pediatric Care is Not Just for Babies

While pediatric care is often associated with infants and toddlers, pediatricians actually care for children from birth up to 21 years of age. This broad range allows them to follow and support children through all developmental stages with personalized care.

2. Specialized Pediatric Subfields

Pediatric care isn't just a single specialty. There are numerous subspecialties within pediatrics, including pediatric cardiology, neurology, oncology, and more. Each focuses on different aspects of children's health, providing specialized care for complex conditions.

3. Growth and Development Monitoring

Pediatricians closely monitor growth and developmental milestones to ensure children are progressing healthily. This includes tracking physical growth, cognitive skills, motor skills, and social behaviors, all tailored to each child's unique needs through personalized care.

4. Preventative Care Focus

Preventative care is a cornerstone of pediatric care. Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and health screenings are crucial in preventing illnesses and catching potential issues early, ensuring better long-term health outcomes.

5. Family-Centered Approach

Pediatric care often involves the whole family. Pediatricians work with parents and caregivers to provide guidance on nutrition, behavior, sleep, and other critical aspects of child-rearing, recognizing the family's role in a child's health and providing personalized care accordingly.

6. Mental Health Matters

Pediatricians are increasingly focusing on children's mental health. They screen for issues such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and other behavioral concerns, providing early intervention and support when needed, especially through in-home visits that offer a comfortable environment for children.

7. Technology Integration

Modern concierge pediatric care heavily integrates technology. Electronic health records, telemedicine, and mobile health apps help pediatricians manage patient care more efficiently and provide remote consultations, especially important for busy families seeking personalized care.

8. Customized Care Plans

Every child is unique, and pediatricians create customized care plans tailored to each child's specific health needs, family circumstances, and lifestyle, ensuring personalized and effective treatment, often through convenient in-home visits.

9. Advocacy and Education

Pediatricians are advocates for children's health on many fronts. They educate families about important health issues, advocate for public health policies that benefit children, and work to ensure all children have access to quality healthcare through personalized care.

10. In-Home Concierge Care

Innovative pediatric services, like those offered by La Différence Pediatrics, provide in-home concierge care. This approach offers personalized, convenient, and comprehensive care in the comfort of your home, ideal for busy families seeking flexible and accessible healthcare solutions.


Concierge pediatric care is a dynamic and multifaceted field dedicated to the holistic well-being of children. Understanding these lesser-known aspects of concierge pediatric care can help parents make informed decisions and foster a collaborative relationship with their pediatrician, ultimately ensuring the best care for their children through personalized care and convenient in-home visits.

About Us

La Différence Pediatrics stands out in the concierge medicine NYC landscape as a Black and woman-owned practice offering personalized, in-home pediatric care. Led by a board-certified pediatrician and certified lactation consultant, we provide a unique, comprehensive, and family-centered approach. Unlike traditional healthcare systems, our concierge model ensures extended, unhurried appointments, allowing for thorough attention to each child's health and well-being. We prioritize transparency, holistic care, and a deep commitment to our community, making us a top choice for families seeking exceptional concierge medicine in NYC. Our approach ensures that our patients feel seen and heard, with care that truly prioritizes their individual needs. Experience the difference with our tailored, compassionate care that puts your child's well-being first.

Contact us today to learn more about our pediatric house call services. Experience the difference of concierge pediatric care with La Différence Pediatrics.

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